[Church_of_Christ] Re: The essence of worship
Dear Clay, ED replying
ED: You are adept at the art of dodging. Here again you resort to a
pattern, though you reject the concept of patterns. Your pattern is to
whevever you are called upon to deal with an argument to ignore it and
try to issue questions that set a new course? As you yourself say: "I'm
back to where . . ." You've been here several times! I have allowed you
to lead me before and answered all of this before, so I will not pursue
you down this side trail; been there, done that. But the point is
evidence has been supplied and ignored.
Bro Ed said: Why is this distinction important? It is important because
> some are taking Romans 12:1 and using it to reject the importance of
> worshiping in truth. They reason that since everything a Christian
> is "worship" (treating the word as if it was the same word as John 4)
> then there are no specific things for the Christian to do in
> God. But this is a false application and a false conclusion.
> Clay's response: I'm back Bro Ed to where you "PROVE" mandatory
> assembly for a physical worship is required by God. Just list those
> mandatory physical worship actions required by God in "truth" on
> just as He did under the Old Covenant that did require physical
> assembly?
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> stand on, until then your teaching doctrines of your founding Fathers.
> Grace and peace Clay
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