This is absolutely Amazing!!!
The only thing More Amazing is that this happened several years ago...
So...Why Hasn't the Whole World Heard about this by Now???
The Ark of the Covenant was hidden there at Jerusalem, by Jeremiah,
in Zedekiahs cave, long before the Romans Crucified Christ, Directly over the
secret hiding place of "The Ark of the Covenant"!!!
A fracture in the rock below the Cross of Christ also fractured the
Stone lid of the stone box that contained the Ark of the Covenant.
Christs blood actually dripped onto the "Mercy seat" that is
right above the 10 Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant..
The You Tube link I am giving you here is of Ron Wyatt talking about That Blood
Sample of Christ,
that was analyzed by Jews in an Israelie Lab.. com/watch? v=EGLPADW_ kUwRon Wyatt was also the person who discovered Noahs Ark..
He also found the exact crossing point where Israel escaped from Egypt, through
the Red Sea.
Remnants of the Egyptian army remains today as a testimony of YHWHs Power.
Check out the rest of Ron Wyatts Videos on You Tube...
Just type "Ark of Covenant" into their search box...
BTW I hope you all know that the Swine Flu Vaccine is a deadly coctail meant to
depopulate the world; & all who refuse it here will be shipped off to f.e.m.a.
death camps.
May YHWH Bless
Those Who Hear.
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