[FamilyofGod] Re: Are you in Depression?
After the weekend that I had, I have to say this is true.
Thank you for sending this Molly.
--- In FamilyofGod@
> If you are thinking about your past and regretting every minute of it, you are in Depression.
> If you are feeling sad about evrything that is going on in your life and if you are seeing no escape from it, you may be preparing yourself for Depression.
> Get out of negative thoughts, don't let negative emotions ruin your life. Try to count the good things in your life. If you have counted one, it is worth living.Being depressed is contagious. Remember , a smile heals wounds and brings down barriers. God has given us choices, it is upto us whether we want to make a difference. in the live sof others. Be a better person today , better than who you were yesterday. Bite the pride and be a blessing where ever you are. Call that friend that have hurt or you have ignored. Remember the persons in your life who loves you for who you are. They are the blessings in your life.
> God helps those who help themselves. God feeds the birds, but first, they have to go looking for their food.
> Molly
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