RE: [Awake4HisReturn] Dancing is now illegal In Police State Amerika
Are we still allowed to breathe?
-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, May 30, 2011 6:44:30 pm
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient:;>
From: "John Perna" <>
Subject: [Awake4HisReturn] Dancing is now illegal In Police State Amerika
Attachments: 107-0528102013-police_brutality.jpg (44 KB), 280509fight.jpg (12 KB), 6a00e553d90c4288340133ed60c5ec970b-800wi (65 KB), index.php?image_id=14&width=128&height=128 (21 KB), 41pa4P6-taL._SL150_.jpg (3 KB)
Dancing is now illegal In Police State Amerika
Best video: 11 minutes, with the event covered from two camera perspectives:
My favorite part was when the US Park Police approach a couple of people to tell them they will be arrested if they start to dance. The Park Police ask, "Is there someone who's leading you all here?", and they spontaneously point to the large bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson is crying out from his grave.
50 second highlight video:
Click here: Adam Kokesh Bodyslammed at Jefferson Memorial
Who is Adam Kokesh?
Adam Kokesh speech
Fox News - Five People Arrested for Dancing
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