[FamilyofGod] ISRAEL{18}.
Thank YOU PAPA for raising up some HOLY SPIRIT led Judge's and putting them into positions of power.Thank YOU PAPA for giving the children of ISRAEL eyes and ears to see and hear YOUR word and beauty.Thank YOU for making the scripture jump out of the Old Testament with the LIFE and LOVE of CHRIST to show them what happens when the twelve tribes start infighting.I move in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST against any curse that has been spoken against ISRAEL and cancel it in JESUS name and thank YOU PAPA for flipping it into blessings times twelve.I move in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST against the spirit of hate,racism and anti-semitism and curse you at your root,LEAVE NOW and NEVER come back,in JESUS name.Thank YOU PAPA for releasing a legion of ministering angels to start playing the wedding song to prepare for the BRIDEGROOM's coming.PAPA,in PSALM's 56:8 YOUR word says YOU collect our tears in a bottle.This means every time JESUS cried for the JEWISH folk YOU collected HIS tears.Thank YOU for pouring HIS and mine over the twelve tribes to bring them into new growth in CHRIST.Grow them strong PAPA,full of fresh fruit,berries sweet to the tongue and loving to the eyes.I hit "BOTH" speed buttons twice on this prayer PAPA.Thank YOU PAPA for a revelation of ideas implanted into the JEWISH folk that love JESUS,make them stand out PAPA ISRAEL.So many ideas that the whole of ISRAEL see's the lovers of CHRIST and the glow of the LIGHT of YOUR LOVE on them and they can not look away.Thank YOU for putting a hunger for the New Testament on the hearts and minds of all the JEWISH folk.Thank YOU PAPA GOD for establishing friendships with the people in the nations who support ISRAEL in the end times,now,and make them strong like the bond between David and Jonathan.It is TIME PAPA,show the children of ISRAEL what YOU have hidden in the earth underneath ISRAEL.I speak this into being " THE JEWISH FOLK LOVE JESUS !!!!!!!! " Thank YOU PAPA for all those who set traps and snares against the JEWISH folk,that they fall or stumble into their own devices.More duds,more misses in front of everyone so they know it is YOU and YOUR ALMIGHTY LOVE and POWER,get these on film to please.Thank YOU for raising up brothers and sisters in the twelve tribes to bond and love on each other,to strengthen and encourage each other in CHRIST.I speak this into being " THE TWELVE TRIBES ARE UNITED IN CHRIST !!! " I cry out for justice for the children of ISRAEL.I proclaim the "VICTORY" of the blood of the LAMB over all JEWISH folk.I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who it is sent to,who sent it to me,who has ever read it and all JEWISH folk with more HOLY SPIRIT,revelation knowledge,love and fear of YOU,ALMIGHTY LORD PAPA GOD.I pray in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST.The SON of GOD !!!!!!! JESUS is LORD !!!!!!! Praise GOD !!!!!!!!
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