[FamilyofGod] Puppets.
Thank YOU my awesome and amazing FATHER GOD.Thank YOU for JESUS.Thank YOU,my BROTHER,my KING,my GOD.Thank YOU my MESSIAH.Thank YOU,my ALMIGHTY LORD GOD for sending us hugs and kisses when we need them.WE need them NOW,please,thank YOU.Thank YOU for strengthening us,for this storm and coming torment of the end time tribulations.Thank YOU for taking my life and making something beautiful.This prayer is speed buttoned.Thank YOU for giving us the love and fear of YOU my FATHER,to get us through this war.Thank YOU for reminding us that this war is won,but it is NOT a time to get lazy and letting us know that the attacks are going to be more brutal.That we have to love each other like never before.Increase our love for YOU and our neighbors so it over flows and YOU through us change everything in love.Thank YOU for reminding us that in this war the front line is our minds and the battle is for souls.SPIRITUAL warfare,which is leaking into the natural world.Thank YOU for showing us where we are being attacked in the natural and SPIRITUAL.so we can move in the name of JESUS and crush the evil and set the captives free.Show us my GOD so we can move where ever we are at to crush evil.To love love and hate evil everywhere we go.Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for speaking to us and telling us if we have something in our hearts or homes that is not of GOD to destroy it.Thank YOU for giving us SPIRITUAL discernment so we can see into the SPIRIT world and nothing is hidden from us.Make us more like JESUS and reveal the Adams.Build us up,strengthen us,use us and our sufferings.Fill us up with the LORD's vengeance so we become approved hell stompers.Thank YOU for reminding us to NOT get angry or hate on the puppets but to stomp on the puppeteer.That these people are souls that YOU,ALMIGHTY LORD GOD,love just as much as YOU love us.That these people,puppets,are being USED by the puppeteer,the evil one.That they DO NOT know any better.That they think all this is normal.Breath TRUTH on them my GOD,and give them hearts for the TRUTH of CHRIST,thank YOU.And if any HOLY SPIRIT led people are not being obedient,convict them,discipline them,forgive them,love them and remind them YOU are GOD.To be loved and feared.Thank YOU for heating up all of the lukewarm to be roaring fire of the love of CHRIST.Thank YOU,my FATHER,my MAKER and CREATOR for having mercy on those that are constantly under attack and speaking into their hearts a RHEMA word.Thank YOU for raising up prophets who are not afraid of man but fear and love YOU.Breath on them,strengthen them,bless them with YOUR will.Use them in a mighty way.Teach them and give them GODLY wisdom to act according to YOUR hearts desire.Please send them out my GOD,quickly.Put them in position so they can speak of YOUR TRUTH.Increase our love to act in love to those that do not love us.ALMIGHTY FATHER GOD,in the word YOU say we can not even imagine what YOU are willing to do for us if we just ask in prayer.That this is actually a challenge,not a test.Thank YOU for increasing our hearts capacity to know YOUR will in our prayers to step out in the boldness of YOUR love to ask the right things to please YOU,my PROVIDER.Thank YOU for reminding us to study JESUS and how HE did battle in the natural and SPIRIT world.To look at HIS behavior and the words HE used.That HE forgave everyone.That HE did not waste words.That HE knew when to be angry,when to speak,when to listen and when to NOT say a word.Make us more like JESUS,please quickly,my FATHER.Remind us that YOUR timing is perfect and if we are in a holding pattern then it is probably for a reason.Thank YOU for giving us more JESUS stuff to do while we are waiting,thank YOU.I cry out for the justice of more prophets.I cry out for justice for the TRUTH of the false prophets,reveal them,quickly my GOD.They are ripping peoples lives and souls apart.I plead the blood of the LAMB over YOUR prophets.I plead the blood of the LAMB over the puppets.Cut the strings that are actually nooses my GOD.Mercy for the unsaved and saved my merciful GOD,my FATHER,my LOVE,thank YOU.I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who it is sent to,who sent it to me,who has ever read it with more revelation knowledge,HOLY SPIRIT,love and fear of YOU,my GOD.I pray in the name of the SON of the MOST HIGH GOD,LORD JESUS CHRIST.Praise the LORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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