[Church_of_Christ] Re: Are we misunderstanding the scriptures?
Greetings Ed,
you commented: If you have been following this thread, you know I am having a hard enough time keeping up with answering all the posts directed my way without trying to defend what the CoC may or may not do.
Yes, I've noticed that and wondered why you are their defender and at odds with many here.
I'll let whoever their spokesperson is answer for them;
They do seem to have their own apologist, depend on the sect.
I'll answer for what I write. Now as for that, I see the NT revealing that the Lord's Day is the 1st day of the week
You are reading what you want the Scriptures to reveal and not what they actually reveal.
and that early Christians observed the LS on that day. I am happy enough to do just that and not go beyond.
Here you are leaving the impression that this was an exclusive practice of ALL early churches, and Scripture does not reveal it.
Kindly, Cole
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