[Church_of_Christ] Re: Are we misunderstanding the scriptures?
Greetings Clay, ED here
Clay: Bro Ed By adding to the word, (going beyond what's written) that followers MUST assemble UNDER LAW on Sunday to "worship" God, is equal to others adding the instrument without a command, they add it to YOUR same, "man made" created "worship" that is NEVER COMMANDED in the first place.
ED: If so, then we would both be wrong.
Clay: If you accept what is written and you accept what is commanded and recognize that we assemble for edification, because THAT is what we are commanded to do and that's what is exampled we wouldn't have a problem. But you insist that some how God meant for US to assemble for "worship" WHY? Why do you so doggedly argue such an obvious ERROR of what the "word" teaches, commands, examples and requires?
ED: I have provided sufficient proof in the past that the assembly was first for worship and second for edification. But I see this is not going away and moreover that there are others who share your position, so I will provide further evidence and it will come from the chapter that you use to "prove" your position:
- First, the setting: as from previous posts beginning with chapter 11 (1 Cor) verse 17 Paul addresses "when you come together as an assembly in one place" and it continues thru chapter 14
- 11:24-26 the cup and the bread are taken "in remembrance of me" - that is worship (humbly and reverently bowing one's heart to God thru some God prescribed action)
- 14:2 the tongue-speaker speaks to God - worship (his mysteries, however, since thewy were in a foreign tongue could not be shared by the others and he is told to not use this gift without an interpreter, thus everyone can join into the worship and be edified)
- 14:13-14 prayers offered in a tongue are not understood by all, thus all are not allowed to share in this act of worship - prayer is a form of humbling oneself reverently before God; worship! Paul is simply telling them their worship should be in such a way that all can share in it and thus be edified.
- 14:15-16 Just as their prayers are addressed to God (surely they didn't pray to each other!!!) their praise was also addressed to God. That is worship. Paul tells them to praise in the language of the people so all can share in the praise and thus be edified.
- 14:17 thanksgiving to whom? each other? of course not! To God. That is worship!
- 14:18 thank God! there it is. God is the one being thanked when they come together. It is a worship service (right here I would suggest that v 20 is applicable to all who have not seen that this is a worship service)!
- 14:23-25 So when the assembly is assembled in one place and gifted folks prepare to speak, they need to speak in a manner that everyone will understand, even unbelievers and outsiders. Why? so they too are convicted and "falling down on his face, he will worship God" - he will do what everyone else is doing. He will join in! How could it be any clearer than that?
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