Monday, March 30, 2009

[Church_of_Christ] Re: Can you guess?


Thanks for your kind words below about Dr. B. He was not perfect. He even cried over his imperfections that he came to be aware of.

As for 1 Cor. 16, we will just have to disagree. I think we all see what we wish to see at times and maybe that is what I am doing here. But IMO it is you who are clearly overlooking an assembly on the first day of the week here. Otherwise it makes no sense.

May God richly bless you brother!


--- In, "H. Clay McCool jr." <claynashvilletn@...> wrote:
> Hey Gerry
> You said: WOW! I have never seen this side of you before. Maybe I just did not want to.
> You seem to be way off base here. Beth said there was only one passage where we knew the early disciples assembled together on the first day of the week. I gave another.
> Clay's response:
> No Gerry you did NOT give another passage where we knew the early disciples assembled together on the first day of the week.
> You can keep responding and saying that you did Gerry until the cow's come home and it doesn't change the FACT you failed to provide what you "CLAIM" you provided.
> Gerry continues:
> NO they are not commands. I never said they were. But since the
> Lord gave them to us they are "Thus saith the Lord".
> Clay responds:
> No Gerry they are NOT "thus saith the Lord" as if they are specific examples to be followed, because God has commanded us to follow EXAMPLES as if they are commands.
> I was mislead for YEARS Gerry by "US" using improper "INFERENCES"
> and that is exactly what is inferred, as it has been as long as I have been in the CoC and as long as I can remember.
> I do not believe the Cedar Grove, Bordeaux, Whites Creek,Parkwood
> and Joelton congregations were the only congregations that were taught that Gerry.
> Now I do agee those writings are certainly an inspired record of the daily lives as any history book would record history and the writer recorded that history with inspiration of God and that history is true as recorded and reported by an inspired writer.
> But it is reporting a freed people from "worship ritual law" that assembled freely upon what ever day they decided to assemble on.
> Gerry continued"
> I think you owe our brother Baxter an apology. Apparently you did
> not know him as you do not Paul :>). You called brother B. deliberately deceptive. That is an unjust accusation. Even though he is dead, an apology would be in order.
> Clay's response:
> Your comments concerning this point are valid.
> I was WRONG for saying Bro BBB was deliberately deceptive Gerry.
> He is guilty as far as I know of just using a very poor choice of words that have mislead thousands in the body of Christ in my
> opinion.
> You see I was raised in the CoC and still struggle with some very
> old bad habits. I can't tell you how many times I have heard and
> been taught by my sincere brethren that have said and many of them still say, that Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterians and other denominations are deliberately deceptive JUST as I said Bro. Baxter was, simply because I/we disagree with them.
> Surely they all are just as sincere as Bro Baxter or you are Gerry.
> Division is the LAST thing I seek Gerry and I think you know that.
> Gerry continues:
> I would suggest that your tone is just as divisive as the one you condemn.
> Clay's response:
> Yes it WAS and I repent of that Gerry and will earnestly try to overcome ALL of my bad habits, especially those that are divisive,
> since it is obvious to me, that division is sinful.
> Gerry's continues:
> I see nothing wrong with taking the sign down. Go for it. No condemnation here brother. I'll even come help you if I can.
> Clay's response:
> I approached the other elders concerning that very matter several years ago and was out voted, but I must admit it lead to some very interesting conversation.
> Grace and peace my brother, Clay

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