Sunday, April 19, 2009

Re: [FamilyofGod] Please pray for me/Erin

Thank you Judy L. I've never thought about that before, I do have a picture of her when she was young, I think in the early 80s, maybe around 1979......Well I did have a picture of her, I looked all over this house and I can't find it anywhere. I used to have it on my computer but it's gone. I'll have to contact my mom and ask her if she has it, I'll have to borrow it from her again if she will send it to me so I can scan it onto my computer. Thanks for the advice and prayers. Erin

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy <>
Sent: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 7:09 am
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] Please pray for me/Erin

Erin, I'm so sorry that the person was not your sister, at least you tried, I know it must have broke your heart.
I will keep you in prayer that you will find her.
You could contact a TV station and tell them your story, sometime they take a human interest story and help with it. Do you have a picture of her even if she was younger, they may be able to use it to show people what she looked like at a certain age. Who knows she may be right in your town, or someone's next door neighbor, co worker, best friend, etc, someone must know her. This is just a suggestion. I'll keep praying.
Judy L <><
Erin wroteL
Elaine's Artistry
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