Friday, October 16, 2009

Recent comments posted to http://ExChristian.Net

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Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 07:39 PM PDT

Bible, Bible Burning Bright

They're burning bibles in piles heartfelt
With flaming hate of so-called Satan's works.
When the King James version has devil's quirks
You know this sect hits below the bible belt.

This curious cult who sees satanic influence
In Billy Graham, Mother Teresa and Rick Warren
Will add more ashes at Ashville's edge but aren'
Letting hellish books taint their biblic innocence.

This Christian kook group strange heresy chases
Led by rabblerousing don of doubtful preparation
Announcing a Halloween Book Burning celebration
With quotes from New Testament Acts and scriptural bases.

Though beacon of madness is this bible fire light,
"Catcher in the Rye" et al can breathe in delight.

Re: Ex-Catholic from Franciscan University - Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 07:14 PM PDT

enfinmil:The existence of God, to me, is not abstract and therefore, not limited by the limitations of the intellect

With words like this, I'm sure that you are one of those "True Believers".

Translation: You're deluded beyond all possible help.

If you think you'll convince anyone here of your god, then you really are living in a fantasy world.



Re: Pastor charged in wife's death - ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 07:08 PM PDT

Your words here remind of what I often see on the news.

After the suspect is hauled off to jail, they always interview the neighbors, who inevitably will say,"But he seemed like such a nice quiet upstanding young man"

In a nutshell, I doubt you'll convince anyone here.
We've seen too many stories like this one, of the highly religious "losing their god marbles".


Re: Ex-Catholic from Franciscan University - Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 06:59 PM PDT do you explain the AMA's position for the acceptance of prayer and other spiritual practices and their efficacy for promoting health-mental, and physical?

Yes and some medical insurances also allow for unproven remedies, such as the use of chiropractors and acupuncturist, both of which are highly subjective remedies.

Just about any "snake-oil" product or service, can be a success, if one knows how to market it properly.

I think it's obvious that direct prayer to one's god (and also meditation without a god involved), can reduce stress levels, but even more so, can give one the illusion of being 'cured'.
Faith Healings, as well as the more generic Psychic Healings, also do the same.

Sure, I'll grant you that if one's problem is the result of being stressed, then all these methods can certainly have an effect on us.

There is no documented evidence that prayer can cure a real disease, nor has it ever re-grown a missing limb.

I truly hope that a narcissistic, grandiose, delusional magical thinker, like you, is not in any kind of leadership role within my government

Boy, do you have that assertion, ass-backwards.
Of course, you can't see that yourself, as you're just a blind woo-woo xtian.

Take your patter elsewhere please !


Re: Pastor charged in wife's death - ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 05:51 PM PDT

Well all I knowis that I knew Janet persoanlly, I dare say better than her family. I was there when her family arrived. I watched Pastor T struggle with what is best for his kids. After everything happened I called every church he ever pastored. I got bad responses from Minnesota and a church in FL beginning with a "P". Everywhere else people say he was a good pastor. He helped my husband and 2 years before the ACCIDENT he helped my husband recvoer from an addiction and his own infidelities, during that time Pastor T told us about his own struggles (drugs, failed ministry, failed marriage, infidelity). He was honest about it! In case you dont know, I do hurt for Janet's family!! We all did andwe did everything we could to make them comfortable. However you are wrong about a few things...I was there the day Janet's family arrived, I wasnt in teh room but I helped bring chairs in for them. I knwo the truth. I was there when some bitch kept leaving messages on the answering machine...I was there when Pastor was struggling to keep his sanity without any family help from janet's family at all. As I said, I do not believe he is a completely innocent man....but I do not believe he is a cold blooded killer either...he loved his daughters and I do not believe he would literally kill his wife right in front of his youngest daughter. I don't believe that kind of evil is in him, not liekt hat! He helped too many people here. While some may hate him, I see him as human! But I do not see him as a killer!! I wouldlike to know, what sin cannot be forgiven??

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 05:49 PM PDT

I'm putting Agora on My must-watch list. Hypatia is one of My heroes.

Re: Ex-Catholic from Franciscan University - Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 05:41 PM PDT

efinmil: "However, since you're so interested in science and reality, how do you explain the AMA's position for the acceptance of prayer and other spiritual practices and their efficacy for promoting health-mental, and physical?"

Two words: Placebo effect.

In My opinion, there is nothing that you can get from prayer that you can't also get from five minutes of mindfulness meditation, a nice cup of tea, or a houseful of friendly cats. Lowering the stress level in the body is generally beneficial to one's physical and mental well-being.

"Maturity does not simply demand "prove it to me"; it contributes to and advances humanity's struggle to comprehend and relate to God experientially as others have done for thousands of years before us."

Logical fallacies: Ad hominem for implicitly declaring healthy skepticism to be immature. Existential fallacy regarding the unproven god in the above quotation. Argument from tradition.

"Just because you are convinced there is no proof of the existence of God, does not mean 'there is no God'."

This only applies to strong atheists who make the positive assertion 'There is no God'. Most of us here are saying 'We aren't convinced'.

Re: Former Fundamentalist with Ph.D. from BJU is now an Agnostic- Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 05:03 PM PDT

"Penal Substitutionary Theory", i.e. the idea that it is somehow justice for one person to take the punishment for another's crime. Most people instinctively think this is bizarre and not at all justice. For example, if the mother of a rapist offered to go to jail in his place, how many would think that this was a good idea and an example of justice? Yet the whole system of sacrifice seems designed to placate the deity by giving him blood from something other than ourselves. Ultimately this concept is the foundation of Christianity, with Jesus taking the punishment for the sins of others.

Re: Former Fundamentalist with Ph.D. from BJU is now an Agnostic- Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:49 PM PDT

Welcome and congratulations for your courage, on all levels: intellectual, social and spiritual (whatever that means to you now).
Your public statement of what you know and believe is a powerful liberator to all those who are just-barely holding on to remnants of faith against their own logic and reasoning. If anyone accuses you of not having been a true christian, it will open up doubts in many others who to all observable evidence are practicing christians.

The admitted irrational base of faith is also what creates the silos between rationality and everything else. Love, compassion etc. are put into that same silo and so the preaching christian pushes you to bring together all experiences that exist beyond logic and rational explanation. I think that is why so many otherwise brilliant thinkers can still be caught in the vortex of faith. ( oh shit, mixing up the metaphors again)...Anyway you get the drift.

Again, I toast a fine wine to you for your work. May your writings be noticed and read in many circles...beyond this, your choir.

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:19 PM PDT

The insanity of christians burning christian books follows the logic of this biblegod myth and its bloody followers. The early burnings were of people...when different groups were labeled 'heretics'...I'm sure that before Constantine pulled the whole thing together for the Roman Empire there were many local gang fights...but book burning has always paralleled the horrible massacres. When the Spanish Franciscans and other orders saw the collected libraries of the Aztecs and other MesoAmerican cultures, those codices were burnt wholesale, and then some enslaved natives recreated the pageant of the Spanish invasion...with some recalled stories from the ancient cultures.

What these idiots are doing with Billy Graham and company is horrible to see because it is horrible to think that people still want to do that...even if what is being burnt exists in large quantities and is wildly popular outside of this disturbed community, there is something powerfully anti-human in the act. It will encourage other cadres of Hesunuts elsewhere to get that kind of attention at very little cost to them. There is something of the assassin perversity in the act, as caught in the musical Assassins.
And it didn't mean a nickel,
You just shed a little blood,
And a lot of people shed a lot of tears.
Yes, you made a little moment
And you stirred a little mud-

But it didn't fix the stomach
And you've drunk your final Bud,
And it didn't help the workers
And it didn't heal the country
And it didn't make them listen
And they never said, "We're Sorry"-

They think this notoriety is somehow good. They are not killing people, but I think the burning of a book is place-keeper for that in some weird way.

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:15 PM PDT


"Wonder if the KKK will be there too ( with a big bag of marshmellows ). For all we know, Rev. Grizzard maybe one of them..."

When I read your post, I lol'd and wondered if you meant the Rev was a marshmallow (as in the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters) or a member of the KKK! He looks like he could be either one ... or both. (Shame on me for saying this!)


Re: Best Short Atheist Quotes - Atheism & Religion- ExChristian.Net - Articles

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:11 PM PDT

What is this music from? I keep coming back to this video to hear gives me goosebumps! Gives me that old "holy spirit" feeling! LOL!

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:05 PM PDT


Oh what a great name to give your daughter!

I first learned of Hypatia 20-some years ago when I was in my big history-of-the-bible-and-early-xtianity-research phase.

I'm sure a considerable amount of dramatic license has been taken with the movie, but I can't wait to see it.


Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 04:01 PM PDT

not a fan of any book burnings, or idiotic people accidently burning themselves or their church on fire, but, with idiots like these that may happen.

gawd knows how stupid these people are.

regardless of how delusional the bible is, i don't approve of burning any "translation" since we can use it as a educational tool of how religion makes even the genius look stupid.

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:53 PM PDT

Sarah, Just curious, are you a fundamentalist ?

Re: The Bible: Primitive Nonsense - ExChristian.Net - Articles

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:49 PM PDT

"The bible is full of contradictions placed there by god, so that the people who notice the contradictions (wise and prudent) will be "snared." "

Hm. That makes sense, Daytripper ;-)

And he seems to have succeeded in deceiving me. Bugger!

I bet god will be very angry with EJO for spilling the beans on this secret little scheme of his god. Because now *everyone* knows about it and will react correspondingly.

But I won't let no bl**dy god deceive me! I'm going back to studying the bible. And the more contradictions I spot, the more indication it will be of god's presence!

Peter. (<-- just saw the light)

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:48 PM PDT

LOL! Guess what!?! I have on my favorites tab too and I use it all the time. It's a great resource -- all those translations of that nasty book, right there at our fingertips! 8-)


Re: Ex-Catholic from Franciscan University - Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:43 PM PDT

"The fact that your god presents us (the human race) with zero evidence of his/her existence, is certainly enough proof to warrant his/her dismissal from our reality."

The intellect will come to the conclusion that "zero" evidence exists to prove the efficacy and benefits of prayer, if you let it since it does not appear logical, real, provable, and appears fantastic (fantasy-like).

However, since you're so interested in science and reality, how do you explain the AMA's position for the acceptance of prayer and other spiritual practices and their efficacy for promoting health-mental, and physical?

Would you continue in denial and say the AMA is delusional for "believing and promoting" these practices? It seems to me that your "anti-..." way of thinking is simply ego-centrism disguised as reason, logic and advanced psychological sophistication.

Maturity, both psychological and spiritual (no matter what religion you prefer) is secure in itself and has connected with "God" in whatever way the human experience can comprehend and therefore relate.

Maturity does not simply demand "prove it to me"; it contributes to and advances humanity's struggle to comprehend and relate to God experientially as others have done for thousands of years before us.

Just because you are convinced there is no proof of the existence of God, does not mean "there is no God". To believe "there is no God because I don't see proof" is magical thinking, and therefore narcissistic and grandiose. Society doesn't exist to prove things to you. How ego-centric of you!

You stipulated to Amelia:

"Personally, I really don't care if you believe in some god, just as long as it stays personal and doesn't affect our government or society in general, which has no business catering to whims of fantasy over proven reality."

I say, I truly hope that a narcissistic, grandiose, delusional magical thinker, like you, is not in any kind of leadership role within my government! I wouldn't want your ego-centrism affecting my government and society.

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:37 PM PDT

Nooooo! Don't touch!

This was a very important research tool for detoxing from the Bible.

Seriously, the turning event for me a few years ago was when someone said the tenth commandment in the Holy Bible was something like "thou shalt not boil a baby goat in its mother's milk".
I hated not being in on whatever that joke was so I looked it up on

Exodus 34:26...Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.

27And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

Holy goat udders! It was actually there! I checked multiple translations and it was still there, clear as can be, as one of the commandments that Biblegod commanded Moses to write, 2nd edition.

I was starting to realize I being played as a world class chump. I was the proverbial man at the the table where it is said "Look around and see who the sucker is that is about to get played, if you don't who it is , ITS YOU!

I then googled "Bible contradictions" and used to study various contradictions and absurdities and make sure there wasn't a mistranslation between versions.

Nope. No mistranslations. The Bible is truly repulsive, this fabrication by the Dark Empire is toxic garbage no matter which translation you use.

(Thank you for your help. I keep you on my favorites tab. You are truly a time saver in researching the nonsense in this horribly destructive piece of mind control)

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:22 PM PDT

Keep up the good work, lads!

Where would this world be without you and other Guardians of the Truth....

Peter. (<-- thinks we would have avoided the middle-ages, cured cancer and AIDS by now, and would now be well on our way in interstellar travel)

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:08 PM PDT

Given this, a "sinning" homosexual would not have been a "worse sinner" than the men who translated the KJV.

And remember, the KJV was commissioned by a "sinning" homosexual.

Re: The Bible: Primitive Nonsense - ExChristian.Net - Articles

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 03:06 PM PDT

Why did god get rid of the dinosaurs and mammoths before he created man?

He didn't:

"Dinosaur raptor fossil in a dig site: "I lived about 4,500 years ago. How do I know? Well, fossils don't come with birth certificates, but we can read an eyewitness account from someone who was there—the Creator Himself. In God's Word, the History Book of the Universe, we read about a global Flood that buried all the living things on Earth.""

"Yes, sir! When Adam named all the beasts of the field, it was easy for him to name the dinosaur families, too. There are probably only about sixty actual 'kinds.'"

Dinosaur "kinds" loaded onto Noah's Ark: "It's easy to explain how we fit on the Ark. It was the size of an ocean liner and the average size of dinosaurs were the size of sheep. Even the few 'big guys' were most likely young adults (of average dinosaur size) when they boarded the Ark."

I hope that answers your questions, Nishant.

Peter. (<-- read it on the internet, so it must be true)

Re: Ex-Catholic from Franciscan University - Testimonies of Ex-Christians

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 02:58 PM PDT

All the points I have outlined previously, you have demonstrated in this response. I reiterate, "free will/agency" is endowed by God and one will never be coerced into believing what their intellect traps them into. Intellect either serves or is served. It seems from your response that the latter explains your disposition.

To me, the existence of "Yaweh God" vs "Poseidon" and other mythological (inherent in the word "myth" is a a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people) figures is suggested in the sub-phrase "accepted as history". This should be differentiated from "historically accurate", which the Old and New Testament reflect many "accounts/examples/experiences" of God's Divine intervention in human history. Myths, however, have provided a world view and explanation of the human condition to a degree, yet actual examples and accounts of these mythological figures intervening in human history to date, I have not been able to find. So, if you can provide references that show where individuals credit "poseidon" for providing divine intervention/protection this year or earlier, I'd be interested in reading of these accounts. As I recall, Moses showed sufficient "proof" comparing his God's power against the magical thinking evidenced by Pharaoh. Further, if one simply reads the old and new testament, as well as the book of Mormon, and the Koran, they'll find "proof" in the form of repeated references to the same Divine presence and His significance throughout human history.

Finally, "supernatural", pertains to an order of existence beyond the scientifically visible universe. In my belief system, the presence of God, as I've referred to already, is quite visible in the natural, in the experiential, in the human. The existence of God, to me, is not abstract and therefore, not limited by the limitations of the intellect. For the immature intellect prone to magical thinking, however, one still refers to God as "supernatural", "abstract", and therefore distant from their own human experience. Unfortunate, because the opposite is true....

Re: Church to Burn Bibles on Halloween Night- ExChristian.Net - News and Opinion

Posted: 15 Oct 2009 02:56 PM PDT

The only thing I can think of is:

"we don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
burn motherfucker, burn"


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