I could go on and on about the things we have experienced straight from God!!
When our son was in Germany and had received orders that he was being sent to Irag (the first time we went there, to prevent Hussein from attacking and claiming a small country to the south of Iraq,) -- a few days before our son left for Iraq, I kept hearing God's voice -- 'SACRIFICE YOUR SON TO ME". Finally, after my office cleared of clients (I managed mobile home parks) I asked Him, "But God, how do I do that?" He answered me -- "As Abraham did Isaac." I said, but Lord, how can I do that? I can't go over there and do it." He didn't answer me. That night, I had a dream. My son was standing in front of me and I was tying his wrists with a soft cord. I could smell the sand of the desert in Iraq and feel the soft cord I was tying his hands with. Three times he turned his head and looked back at me -- three times I said, "Trust me!" The third time I said that, I sat straight up in bed, terrified but wanting to hear God's voice again -- hearing His voice thunder from the room saying, "IT IS DONE!"
When our son called to hurriedly tell us that he was about to board the plane and leave for Iraq, I told him that God had said he would come home safe and alive. He said "How can you know that?" I said, "Trust me!"
After he did come home on leave after being in Iraq, he asked me how I knew he would survive and I told him about the dream/vision. His eyes widened and he told me that his helicopter refueling unit had been orderd too far north. The helicopters couldn't find them and there they sat, hunkered down in trenches they had dug, with bright lights shining down on them and hundreds of gallons of helicopter fuel in barrels, as a terrible tank battle surrounded them -- the one we call the "800 tank battle" now.
He said, when the battle was over, they all stood and found many bombed and ruined Iraqi tanks around them. He said we couldn't understand why we weren't seen and attacked. I replied, "Son,God can blind the eyes of the enemy!"
So, if we seek His wisdom -- the one gift we seek that please God the most -- we are mightily blessed!
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