From: godsfriend0001 <godsfriend0001@
To: FamilyofGod@
Sent: Fri, November 27, 2009 3:58:06 AM
Subject: [FamilyofGod] THE RELIGION OF REALITY
GOD ALMIGHTY told me that we are going to have a worldwide war.
This time it is not going to be, just another military conflict out in the pacific somewhere.
This time it is going to hit home. And it is going to hit all across the whole nation. Not just the west coast.
The very young Christian religion is going to have a metamorphosis by the time the war is over. Like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, distinguishably different than the caterpillar.
A few of the new revelations include:
1. The churches will realize that there is no rapture.
2. Jesus was a phony preacher that GOD ALMIGHTY used to fulfill his own purpose.
4. We all have several lifetimes in the flesh.
Do you think that you will be more happy after you are dead? Not a single one. You would much rather be alive, on the earth, in a flesh and blood body. Even in a harsh environment. You may not have to die in the war. If you ask GOD ALMIGHTY for help. And do what you are told, you may get to stay alive.
Either you listen to GOD ALMIGHTY yourself, or you don't.
Christians profess to have faith in Christ. But in reality their faith and guidance comes from GOD ALMIGHTY, not from Jesus.
Reality is reality. The Pope can not forgive sins. Jesus can not fly. Mary had sex. Jesus' life was a lie from the start.
In time, everyone is stuck with it. Reality.
Everyone. The whole wide world.
Somebody has to tell you about this stuff. Everyone has to receive this stuff sometime.
We are explaining this to you, for OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS, so that you understand. Jesus is not who you think. Jesus does not have the personality that you think that he has.
Do the missiles that North Korea fired on the 4th of July 2009, remind you a lot of the missiles that China fired over Taiwan, every time that Taiwan threatened independence?
Was not China the North Korean partner during the Korean war? And was not China the partner of North Vietnam, during the Vietnam war?
If I was the Chinese leader. And if I wanted to start a war. With a surprise advantage attack. At the time of year of my choosing. And still be able to tell my population that they struck first. And I had North Korea in the palm of my hand. How would you, if you were me, order North Korea to behave?
If GOD ALMIGHTY is in absolute control of everything, and I mean everything, that everyone does while they are alive here on this earth. And if I, being GOD, needed to raise up several billion tiny infant children. Needing to be able to control them in all ways that I wanted to. In order to teach them right from wrong. And also to almost perfectly give them back their due. From previous lives even. I would need that control over every single persons life. In every lifetime, on every continent, on the whole planet earth.
If I, being GOD, needed people to have very many different beliefs about me, for my own purpose. Even fantasy beliefs about very many individuals who have lived, on this planet earth. Including, but not limited to, Buddha, (and several hundred other persons unnamed hereon), up to this very day. Not a one of those persons, NOT EVEN ONE, was anything more than a tiny infant child, playing their part, with GOD ALMIGHTY'S help. During any, of many, lifetimes in the flesh.
If you think that you are talking to anyone, in the place of GOD ALMIGHTY, about spiritual things, or about anything, you are missing out on the knowledge of the real relationship, that you have with GOD ALMIGHTY personally. For several reasons, you may have been given a substitute spiritual figure, in your mind. Some people, feeling unworthy to talk to GOD ALMIGHTY personally, may still continue to pretend that they are communicating with someone other than GOD ALMIGHTY.
What are you going to do with what GOD ALMIGHTY is showing you about China? As the days go by, the time slips away. You need to be ready. You need to talk to GOD ALMIGHTY personally. You need to prayerfully decide. The exact day and hour, is known only to GOD ALMIGHTY. Everyone else, thinks, and ponders, and is thrown around by however GOD ALMIGHTY puts events together, one day at a time.
Already OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS have shown several thousand of their infant children, who are alive on the west coast, where they want each one to go when the war starts.
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