Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Re: [FamilyofGod] Gerson therapy


I am allergic to oranges would that matter?


--- On Wed, 12/2/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] Gerson therapy
Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:17 AM

And George, I'll share again what I've been sharing...<G>
Homeopathic doctors have found a total cure for cancer, that our medical community doesn't want you to know about because they would loose the money they get if you go through all the horrendous and costly treatments they perform -- that many times doesn't work at all.  High doses of vitamin C, injected into the vein WILL cure all cancer at whatever stage it has progressed.  If anyone you love is fighting cancer/been diagnosed, get them to a homeopathic doctor, that does this procedure, fast! 

God have mercy on us all
In God (ONLY) we (MUST) trust
-----Original Message-----
From: George
Sent: Dec 1, 2009 9:49 PM
To: george.smith@, Family of God
Subject: [FamilyofGod] Gerson therapy

Cancer Therapies

Part One


I had cancer five years ago so I have spent a lot of time searching for different things that prevent and even cure cancer. I have found out that if something really works the "doctors" are not allowed to tell you about them or promote them. So I"m gonna give you some things that may be helpful if you have been diagnosed with cancer or just are afraid of getting it or getting it back if youv'e had it before.  I won't get into the complicated therapies.  I'll leave those for the specialists.


Gerson  Therapy


The Gerson therapy consists of changing your diet,  drinking a lot of juice,  and doing coffee enemas.


The diet is mainly just vegetables.  You have to stay away from salt,  sugar (that includes sugar substitutes except stevia),  all meat and animal products which includes milk, butter and cheese.  Soy I have discovered is also bad for anyone.  The only oil you can take is flax oil.  I think coconut oil is ok too.


Then you have to drink 13 glasses of fresh juice mostly from green vegetables.  Some fruit like apples can go in it too but not too much fruit because of the sugar in it. Don't drink any water or you won't have room for the juice. 


Then there is the coffee enemas!  You need to do four a day if you are fighting cancer.  By going on the vegetables and juices cancer cells start dying but those dead cells may still be in the blood and cause infection.  Coffee enemas stimulate the liver to produce bile and purifies the blood.  It rids the body of them toxins that are released when the cancer dies. It also is effective itself in fighting the cancer.


I'll try to explain how to do the enema.

You will need:

·                   An enema bag or enema bucket.

·                   A hose for the bag about 4 to 6 feet long.

·                   A little pinch valve for the hose.

·                   A nozzel for inserting into the rectum.

·                   Organic coffee or coffee beans. Dark roast.

·                   Purified water.  Not tap water.

·                   A watch.

·                   A good book.


To make the coffee you can make it the old fashion way or use a coffee pot.  They say to put 3 tablespoons per quart but I make it extra strong so I can add cold water and it will be the right temperature more quickly.  Don't use tap water!  You don't want those chemicals in your liver. 


Get the coffee to body temperature.  99 to 105 is ok. Take about half to a full quart and pour in the enema bag or bucket.  Make sure the valve on the hose is shut. 


Hang the bucket on the doorknob in your bathroom.  I just lay a mat on the floor with a towel on it.  Oil up the nozzel with vegetable oil like coconut oil.


 Let the coffee go down the tube till there is no air in it then shut the valve.  Lay down in a fetal position on the mat on your right side.  Insert the nozzel into the rectum no more than four inches  and open the valve.


If you feel pressure turn it off for a minute.  Hold it in for 15 minutes if you can.  After the first few times it gets easier.  After 15 minutes go to the toilet and let it loose.


 Sometimes it helps to rub your stomach and abdomen to loosen things up.   Afterwards you will feel much better.


Here's the number for the gerson society:

(619)-685-5353 / (888)-443-7766



Hear,  O Israel!  Yahweh is our God,  Yahweh is one!

In Christ,  George...




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