5 Tools of Study and Growth. Posted: 22 Apr 2010 01:06 PM PDT  It can be difficult at times – as much as we hate to admit it – to get motivated to study the Word and to seek the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 2:6-7). Much of God’s wisdom is out there for the taking, if we would just seek it. Here are some practical ways I’ve found to effectively study and obtain that knowledge. - A Study Bible – You must have a Bible that you can understand and enjoy reading. NIV, NASV, or ESV translations will be much easier to understand than most other translations. Furthermore, it is very helpful to buy a Study Bible. These have side or footnotes and explanations that will help you further study and understand the text. Click here to see the one that I use.
- Christian Books - The Bible is the most important book, but it is great to supplement that with Christian literature. These can give you many perspectives on topics that are relevant or interesting to you. Reading Christian literature has been a huge factor in my spiritual growth. Make sure and get a book that is deep and really makes you think. “The Purpose Driven Life,” for example, is a good read but is very surface level. If you want to study on a deeper level, here are a few I recommend:
Knowing God by J.I. Packer Spectacular Sins by John Piper Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Crazy Love by Francis Chan Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus - Sermon Podcasts and Videos - No matter how much you love your church’s pastor, there are other guys out there who can teach in different words and from different angles. Not only that, but you will have those resources during the week when you’re in between church services. I podcast and strongly recommend men like Matt Chandler, John Piper, and Matt Carter. I also watch a lot of videos on YouTube from Mark Driscoll.
- Websites and Blogs - The Internet is a buffet of good resources and opinions on our faith. See the “Links” and “Favorite Blogs” on the right side of my page that typically have some good content.
- Church Community - In Scripture, the church was well known for its public and community reading and studying of God’s Word. Having a place of fellowship and growth is key in your study of how God affects and works in various lives and situations, as well as a place of edification and accountability.
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