[FamilyofGod] Why Was My Voice So Small?
Good Guys,
As you all know, I've been writing a book on line a chapter at a time on my blog. This week, in "The Weight of Who I Am," I tell my personal story of having been a victim of childhood sexual abuse. I know that some of you have also been victims. I'm sharing to encourage and empathize, but also to increase awareness of a problem that continues to plague our world. I hope you will take heart in the chapter, "Why Was My Voice So Small?"
The entire chapter is, as always, on the blog, at http://thom-signsofastruggle.blogspot.com/ . I welcome your feedback. Here's a paragraph from the story:
I took to Mr. Hooten right off. He reminded me of all the good things about Daddy. Mr. Hooten decided I could join the troop – unofficially – even though I was only eight, several years too young. He promised Mother he would watch out for me; he promised my brother he would not let me be too big a pest. And he promised me he'd "protect" me from the older boys, just in case any of them might be bullies. I was parading in the personal attention. I was finally someone's favorite, and I was anxious to learn all the things Mr. Hooten could teach me.
God Bless,
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