Re: [FamilyofGod] Why Was My Voice So Small?
Wow Thom, Very good!! I can identify also with sexual abuse, i pray for all who endure
( Moderater)
Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19)
Remember amateurs built the ARK . . . professionals built the Titanic If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. |
From: ThomH <>
Sent: Wed, September 1, 2010 6:55:33 PM
Subject: [FamilyofGod] Why Was My Voice So Small?
Good Guys,
As you all know, I've been writing a book on line a chapter at a time on my blog. This week, in "The Weight of Who I Am," I tell my personal story of having been a victim of childhood sexual abuse. I know that some of you have also been victims. I'm sharing to encourage and empathize, but also to increase awareness of a problem that continues to plague our world. I hope you will take heart in the chapter, "Why Was My Voice So Small?"
The entire chapter is, as always, on the blog, at . I welcome your feedback. Here's a paragraph from the story:
I took to Mr. Hooten right off. He reminded me of all the good things about Daddy. Mr. Hooten decided I could join the troop – unofficially – even though I was only eight, several years too young. He promised Mother he would watch out for me; he promised my brother he would not let me be too big a pest. And he promised me he'd "protect" me from the older boys, just in case any of them might be bullies. I was parading in the personal attention. I was finally someone's favorite, and I was anxious to learn all the things Mr. Hooten could teach me.
God Bless,
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