kool. i don't think there is nothing wrong with having christmas. we used to call it happy houehold holiday in the ministry i fellowshipped with... just know the truth and teach people when the birth of christ really was... but then again in the corinthians we are admonished not to be a repceter of days, times and seasons. so what is one to do. if we partake of this pagan holidays is it a sultle way of serving God's enemy. what are we to do? love u, Shirley La Fave 
--- On Mon, 11/1/10, Shelley Cartwright <glitter4jesus@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Shelley Cartwright <glitter4jesus@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE To: FamilyofGod@yahoogroups.com Date: Monday, November 1, 2010, 10:04 AM
well christmas is my fav holiday, i know some think its pagan, but i choose to look at it as jesus birth even tho its not the correct date of his birth, working on x mas tree today............... SHELLEY Moderator CO-OWNER OWNER JESUS IS MY TOWER OF REFUGE & STREANGTH   Let every breathe, all that i am, never cease to worship you..... Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers ( 3 John 2 )

From: Wanda Ward <angelina56p47@yahoo.com> To: FamilyofGod@yahoogroups.com Sent: Mon, November 1, 2010 9:51:05 AM Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE my church never celebrates holidays, except thanksgiving. GOD IS LOVE wanda Prov.28:13- he that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them , shall have mercy.
From: Anne <anne@nctc.com> To: FamilyofGod@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 4:21:33 PM Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE I think other detonations celebrate it also. I know we did in the Methodist church where I used to attend ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 4:11 PM Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE
actually all saints day is just another holiday set up by the catholic church! GOD IS LOVE wanda Prov.28:13- he that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them , shall have mercy.
From: Anne <anne@nctc.com> To: FamilyofGod@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 9:35:02 AM Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE Yes George. I agree. It is better to celebrate the next day. All Saints Day. We know who from the darkness and who comes from the light. Anne ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 10:27 AM Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE
Better yet lock your door and turn out your lights. Don't be a part of this so called "holiday". There is nothing holy about it. What fellowship does light have with darkness. Keep away from it like the plague! In Christ, George...
From: Shelley Cartwright <glitter4jesus@yahoo.com> To: FamilyofGod@yahoogroups.com Sent: Sun, October 31, 2010 3:34:27 AM Subject: [FamilyofGod] B SAFE | | | Family! Please be safe tonight for this holiday lots of drunk driver and child abductions this time of year, also when yur kids get cvandy, please smash it all up b 4 eating it, also no licking back of stickers, they are putting acid on back of stickers Some hospitals have free x ray for the candy for the children in AZ they did. to see if anything was in the candy, anyhoo, be safe . i love u and so does GOD!! SHELLEY Moderator CO-OWNER OWNER JESUS IS MY TOWER OF REFUGE & STREANGTH   Let every breathe, all that i am, never cease to worship you..... Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers ( 3 John 2 )
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