Monday, December 6, 2010

Re: [FamilyofGod] raining


But this isn't what scripture says, Shirley.  Scripture says we will go through hardship and trials.  This world isn't perfect and yes bad things happen to God's people -- financial hardship (God's people lose their jobs left and right and lose their homes and so on), disease (not all of them are man-made), and on the list goes.  We as Christ's people aren't exempt from hardship or pain or troubles.  There have been terrible things happen to me in my life - it didn't mean I was believing the lies or the world or anything of the sort.  It also didn't mean that I wasn't a child of God.  It meant that I was living in this world where sometimes bad stuff happens.  We aren't exempt from the bad stuff.  Sometimes I wish we were, but scripture doesn't tell us that at all.  
But, in the midst of our suffering, we rely on Christ -- we have hope in Him.  And, that is what makes us different from the others going through hardship.  We have something to place our hope in.  


There is an optimistic belief widespread among the generous-hearted that the average human being has only to become sufficiently acquainted with another's trouble or danger to transfer it to his own shoulders not merely unhesitatingly but gladly. --Margery Allingham

Bear one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2

From: shirley lafave <>
Sent: Mon, December 6, 2010 11:31:02 AM
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] raining


guess i am giving u all some wierd and funny mind pictures. lol
 but whty can't we picture these things in our minds.. its the stupid world that feeds us to crap that we have mind problems not God......the world is meantally ill not God's kids. they r mentally all are 100% percent complete in Christ. it is God in Christ in each of you. so how can one who has God in Christ in them not be anything but completly whole mentally, physically, menatally and spiritually and financially. so you see who is lieing to u  people who have been told otherwise.....? God is always speaking the Truth. the world is always promoting its lies...... The world has no hold on you woderful children of god in here. otay. So never confess bi polar or mental illness otay. those are man made diagnosises. you r victims of negative people who abused you yes. but God preseved your minds and brought you out from under that crap. he restored ur minds and placed in you His seed .  your minds were designed to hold His word. but if you were labeled with those and they insist on giving you free money then take it. take meds if you beleive you need them.. but keep putting the Word of God in ur mind and those meds will have no effect. i beleive the world diagnose people with those  ailments to keep you alll dependant on drugs that deaden to mind  so u can't think for yorselves. but if you take ur medds it is okie God will help you keep ur mind sharp and the  need for the meds will lessen....... i bet this post gets deleted or cause un needed pain if  one  takes it wrong.......... i am not condemning anyone here......... otay..... God wants us to be aware of this lie that has effected and been placed on His kids. and ahe wants u to know that your minds are whole not what the lieing docs told you.
love u,
Shirley La Fave

--- On Sun, 12/5/10, Shelley Cartwright <> wrote:

From: Shelley Cartwright <>
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] raining
Date: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 4:14 PM

ever notice everytime they do em right b 4 it rains??????? thats so what they put in the air up there comes down on us!
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matthew 7:13,14). 
    , "That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day" (2 Timothy 1:12) and "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).                                   


Glitter Princess

From: George <>
Sent: Sun, December 5, 2010 3:58:23 PM
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] raining

It's starting to rain here too.  Maybe it'll wash all the chemtrails away.
Brother in Christ,  George...
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.

From: Shelley Cartwright <>
Sent: Sun, December 5, 2010 3:08:23 PM
Subject: [FamilyofGod] raining

It's raining and freezing here uuugh I don't like rain in the winter. Too cold well others are colder with no warm clothes to even wear. I am blessed

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