Thursday, December 2, 2010

Re: [FamilyofGod] Who are you?


thank you for sharing amanda this was fun :)





Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matthew 7:13,14). 
    , "That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day" (2 Timothy 1:12) and "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).                                   



Glitter Princess

From: Amanda Webster-Sibal <>
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 2:31:27 PM
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] Who are you?


Okay - time to answer my OWN post.  Who am I?  

My life can be divided up into little sections --

1) Childhood

2) College (the good years)

3) College (The AWFUL years)

4) The most awful part of my life

5) The recovery period and awesome years  
I am from Mississippi.  I have a lived in multiple cities because my parents are United Methodist pastors.  That means we move around about as much as an army brat.  I love my parents dearly, and they are really two of my best friends.  I have one older brother who is 2 years older than me.  He is not married and has no children.  I now also have a sister-in-law (Ravi's sister) and a brother-in-law (Indra's husband Jeff) and a niece that is beautiful Avani.  Much of my high school career wasn't grand, but I had my family.  I only speak to one of my friends from high school who is still one of my best friends.  She was actually the maid of honor in my wedding.    

I am 27 years old.  I will be 28 in May of next year.  I got married this past May to Ravi whom I have been with since 2007.  The two of us met on eharmony.  We have no children -- unless you count furchildren.  We have a dog and a cat.   (Yes it really does work!)  I am a college graduate.  I have a Bachelor's of Science degree in Psychology with a minor in Mathematics.  I graduated Magna Cum Laude with special designation in the field of psychology.  Honestly, it is one of my proudest moments because of what I went through to GET to that degree.  The truth is this -- I am a twice college dropout.  I have an associates degree in Vocal Performance from a Junior college.  I had a great time at that college.  I loved being there.  I loved the teachers.  I loved my classes.  I love learning!  It was a great place.  Then...  I went on to a 4 year school and left a few months later after I literally had a nervous breakdown for lack of a better word.  A few months after that I went to another school and yet again -- dropped out after I downed a bunch of pills with a bottle of vodka.  I was hurting terribly from a bunch of stuff that was going on.  I was with a guy since I was 19 years old, and he hurt me terribly by breaking my heart time and time again.  But, that wasn't the worst of the problems.  I was living with 3 other people in an apartment.  As my depression got worse, the living conditions were getting worse as well.  I had friends that would come by to hang out with me, and they were the ONLY people keeping me from going insane.  A couple of those friends were guys.  They were friends -- that's it.  One of my roommates told an entire campus ministry that I was involved in that I was sleeping with all of them.  That wasn't true at all.  She claimed she had to move out because of my slutty ways.  I was hurt not so much because of the rumor -- but because the people at the ministry believed her without EVER talking to me.  It is still a sore spot with me.  I moved out and back home shortly after.  I was in a terrible place.  I really was.  I wanted to be numb -- I was in such pain that I cared only to feel NOTHING!  

To make matters worse (yeah they got worse)  -- I was abducted, beaten, drugged, raped in 2006 by 2 men and 1 woman (yes -- you did read that correctly) -- and she was more vicious than the men because she was the one into torture.  The pain that I went through there was unbelievable  The injuries that I had were the result of severe violence, but I survived it -- and I refuse to call myself a victim -- I am a survivor.

In December of 2006, I met Ravi on eharmony and after a great deal of prayer and talk between the two of us about some VERY serious subjects about relationships  -- I moved to Alabama to be closer to him.  Shortly after -- after some encouragement from Ravi -- I enrolled back in school.  If it wasn't for him, I would have never graduated and I wouldn't have done HALF of the stuff I did in school.  I owe him a great deal -- I really do.  We were engaged in June of 2007, and married May of 2010.  Ravi graduated college May of 2009 and I graduated December of 2009.  I got a job in January of this year at an organization that works with adults with developmental disabilities. I was a house manager in a group home.  I lived there for 2 weeks and at home for 1 week.  It made it hard for newlyweds -- that's for sure.  In July, Ravi interviewed in Mississippi for a band director position.  He got the job so we moved -- QUICKLY.  We are now pretty much settled and we are making it okay most of the time.  We are struggling a bit financially, but we will make it I think.  After all, I would know because I am the one that is the money manager in the family - not Ravi.  I have no job right now, but I am looking for one.  I really need a job.  

I am a United Methodist as well.  It isn't because my parents are of that denomination -- despite what some will think.  That is the church that I feel home in.  That is the place where I grow.  That is the place that resonates with my heart and soul.  I have visited other denominations and they just don't do anything for me.  Ravi and I attend church together and we have since we started dating seriously in 2007.  My faith is very important to me.  I tend to look at things through a very intellectual approach but it doesn't diminish my faith at all -- I think it enhances it to be honest.  

Any questions?  Ask away!! 

There is an optimistic belief widespread among the generous-hearted that the average human being has only to become sufficiently acquainted with another's trouble or danger to transfer it to his own shoulders not merely unhesitatingly but gladly. --Margery Allingham

Bear one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2

From: Amanda Webster-Sibal <>
To: FOG <>
Sent: Mon, November 29, 2010 3:31:54 PM
Subject: [FamilyofGod] Who are you?


We talk to one another on this computer on a regular basis.  We tell each other of things we go through -- sometimes.  We talk about our faith.  But really -- do we know one another?  Where did you come from?  What is YOUR story?  I want to know.  What is your faith story?  What is your life story?  Bluntly put -- who are you???  I want to have fun with this.  I will respond to my own question once someone gets the ball rolling. 

There is an optimistic belief widespread among the generous-hearted that the average human being has only to become sufficiently acquainted with another's trouble or danger to transfer it to his own shoulders not merely unhesitatingly but gladly. --Margery Allingham

Bear one another's burdens. Galatians 6:2

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