Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: [Awake4HisReturn] Fw: PrayerLine


Alchoholism is bad everywhere
We need to pray for all these who arent taught better.

On Mon Feb 28th, 2011 11:14 AM CST drena brown wrote:

> Exodus 33:19  
>And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim
>the name of the LORD before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be
>gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.

>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: Prayer Office <>
>Sent: Mon, February 28, 2011 3:15:55 AM
>Subject: PrayerLine
>Monday, February 28, 2011
>"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the
>Spirit," (Ephesians 5:18, NKJV).
>Dear Intercessors, this is Eleanor Witcher of the Office of Global Prayer
>Strategy, joining you in prayer for those struggling with alcoholism.
>Of all the physical sicknesses and spiritual sins that oppress the Lozi people,
>the love of alcohol is by far the most pervasive, most addictive, most socially
>acceptable, most debilitating disease in western Zambia. From imported,
>fancy-labeled brown bottles of beer in the towns, to the dingy-white foaming
>maize beer that the remote villages brew in discarded metal drums, alcohol is a
>part of Lozi life. Every celebration, every coming-of-age ceremony, every
>witchdoctor's spell has beer as its foundation. Out in this remote area of
>Zambia, there is no "minimum drinking age" that is enforced. Adults in the
>villages buy a cup of beer at a time. They say that it is potent enough to make
>them stagger after only one cup. The children are then left to their curiosity
>and their thirst to be like their parents. Pray with the Upper Zambezi Team
>against this stronghold of alcohol in Lozi culture: "Lord, You alone can make us
>thirsty for You! Give the Lozi people a thirst for You that overcomes their
>thirst for beer."
>Many individuals of the Northern Cape Coloured people group of South Africa also
>have a serious alcoholism problem. Pray especially for men to experience changed
>lives that will show God's power. M would like to stop drinking but faces
>constant temptation at home. Her husband and their friends drink in their home.
>Pray that the members of her Bible study group will be an encouragement to her
>as she struggles to resist.
>* Please pray for M and her husband that they will find emotional and spiritual
>support through their local Christian community.
>* Ask the Holy Spirit to show the Lozi people the emptiness of drunken living.
>* Intercede for any in your life and in the life of your church who are ensnared
>by the fleeting pleasures of alcohol.
>North American Mission Board's Daily Prayer
>International Mission Board
>3806 Monument Avenue
>Richmond, VA 23230

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