[FamilyofGod] Thank YOU GOD {8}.
Praise PAPA GOD !!! Thank YOU LORD !!! I love YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU my PROVIDER for seeing me and taking car of all my needs.Thank YOU taking care of my salvation 2011 years ago !!! Thank YOU for snatching me out of the fiery pits of hell and setting me in the LIGHT of CHRIST !!! Thank YOU for giving me one more day to get to know YOU better !!! Thank YOU for putting food on my table and water in my cup !!! Thank YOU for giving me air to breath and eyes to see YOUR beauty in nature !!! Thank YOU for giving me YOUR name and putting it on my forehead !!! Thank YOU for healing my body and mending my heart !!! Thank YOU for my helpmate and my children !!! Thank YOU for my home and vehicles !!! Thank YOU for my business and all the ways to help YOUR children,my brothers and sisters in the LORD !!! Praise GOD !!! Thank YOU for the SPIRITUAL gift of LOVE YOU have given me !!! Thank YOU for the gift of prayer YOU have given me !!! Thank YOU for my job and pets YOU have given me !!! Thank YOU for YOUR protection,for keeping me safe and rebuking the enemy for me and my family !!! Thank YOU for this new season of prosperity YOU have given me !!! Thank YOU for YOUR unlimited favor that YOU have given me !!! Thank YOU for using me !!! Thank YOU for sending me !!! Thank YOU for my computer !!! Thank YOU for life !!! Thank YOU for love !!! Thank YOU for YOUR word !!! Thank YOU for YOUR name !!! Thank YOU for YOUR blood !!! Thank YOU for the finished work of the cross !!! Thank YOU for YOUR SON !!! Thank YOU for YOUR mercy !!! Thank YOU for YOUR compassion !!! Thank YOU for YOUR power !!! Thank YOU for YOUR grace !!! Thank YOU for the HOLY SPIRIT !!! Thank YOU for YOUR comfort !!! Thank YOU for YOUR counsel !!! Thank YOU for YOUR TRUTH !!! Thank YOU for YOUR FAITH !!! Thank YOU for YOUR ALMIGHTY LOVE !!! I LOVE YOU !!! I cry out for justice for the TRUTH of YOUR LOVE !!! PAPA,people think YOU are mean and hateful,YOU are not,YOU are LOVE UNLIMITED !!!! Thank YOU for wrecking everyone who has ever said any mean or untrue things about YOU with some drop down to your knees thank YOU JESUS blessings.I forgive them PAPA,they just do not know the TRUTH about YOU.Wreck them with love LORD !!! Thank YOU !!! I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who it is sent to,who sent it to me,who has ever read it with the TRUTH of YOUR LOVE in every way imaginable.Thank YOU PAPA LOVE !!! I LOVE YOU JESUS !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Praise the LORD !!!!
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