[Church_of_Christ] Re: Preyer, Can the LORD hear you if you prey thru thought
Greetings lANCE,
I believe you are correct. The Lord hears and knows our thoughts and
when one of his children expresses his heartfelt pleadings I cannot
imagine any Father or father who would ignore it because it wasn't
mumbled! ED Boggess
--- In Church_of_Christ@
> The discussion in my mens group was wether the LORD can hear you if
you prey thru thought. Some agreed that he can hear you others say that
you must at least mumble under your breath. I feel that he can hear u
in thought for the LORD hears u if you so much as think of another mans
wife in the wrong way HE feels that that is adultry.
> I am really trying to expand my knowledge of the scripture...
> I thank everyone of you for your help and GOD bless all!!!
> Lance
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