[Church_of_Christ] Re: The Melting Pot
Greetings Ray, ED here
Ray: 100% of NT worship was Jewish for the first 15 years AT LEAST, and combined Gentile and Jewish for 2 centuries after that. The Gentiles learned from the Jews. Our worship is western gentile with no relation to Jewish worship.
ED: They contiunued stedfastly in the apostle's teaching.
Ray: 100% of NT worship taught doctrine only from the OT because there was no other.
ED: They continued stedfastly in the apostle's doctrine.
Ray: 100% of NT worship involved languages we no longer use: Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic.
ED: To use another language is not to practice tradition instead of God's revelation.
Ray > 100% of NT worship was community based. They interacted in the service, Q & A, they discussed...
ED: First, aren't we doing the same here. Second, if you mean their worship was not as we practice, show me. I believe we are doing the same basic things they did.
RAy> 100% of NT worship was daily. Ours is 3 hours a week if we're lucky.
ED: I worship daily and those around me do too.
Ray 100% of NT worship involved people who celebrated with joy because they actually believed that God did something. We choose to be sad, solemn, and reserved because we think it's 'humble and reverent'.
ED: I am represented by your first sentense and those with me are also.
Ray> 100% of NT worship involved the miraculous: tongues, prophecy, healing, and other spiritual gifts, which most churches today believe is over with.
ED: 100% - overstated and simply not true. "Spiritual gifts" were stated as having a temporary existence once their purpose was accomplished. But if there is some apostle around to lay hands on me, I would willingly receive whatever gift he would give me.
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