Re: [FamilyofGod] The True Meaning of Burnt Offering
Prov.28:13- he that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them , shall have mercy.
From: Shelley Cartwright <>
Sent: Thu, December 30, 2010 10:03:13 AM
Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] The True Meaning of Burnt Offering
On Wed Dec 29th, 2010 11:51 PM EST Wanda Ward wrote:
>sizzle sizzle
>Prov.28:13- he that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and
>forsaketh them , shall have mercy.
>From: Shelley Cartwright <>
>Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 6:04:01 PM
>Subject: Re: [FamilyofGod] The True Meaning of Burnt Offering
>Here. Right here
>On Wed Dec 29th, 2010 3:38 PM EST Wanda Ward wrote:
>>wow does anyone else feel like they may have been a burnt offering?
>>Prov.28:13- he that covereth his sin shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and
>>forsaketh them , shall have mercy.
>>From: Michael J. Knight <>
>>Sent: Wed, December 29, 2010 6:13:17 AM
>>Subject: [FamilyofGod] The True Meaning of Burnt Offering
>>The True Meaning of Burnt Offering
>>In Leviticus 1, we read about the burnt offering – which is a picture of our
>>offering ourselves totally to God. The burnt offering had to be first cut into
>>pieces to ensure that there was no defect in any part of it and then it was
>>offered. People could offer a bullock or a sheep or a goat or even a dove or a
>>pigeon, according to their financial ability. But each offering had to be
>>without any blemish or defect. The burnt offering is a picture of the way Jesus
>>presented His body throughout His earthly life to His Father - and then finally
>>on the cross as well. All through His earthly life, He kept His body perfectly
>>pure in every temptation before He presented it to His Father as a sacrifice on
>>the cross. God would not have accepted Jesus' offering up of Himself on the
>>cross if there was a single spot in His earthly life during the previous 33½
>>years. This was why when He was hungry; He did not turn the stones into bread.
>>That would have been a sin, because the Father had not told Him to do it. His
>>life was one of total dependence and total obedience. Jesus never did anything
>>without the Father's prompting, even if it appeared to be a harmless thing like
>>turning stones into bread to satisfy one's hunger! That is the standard of
>>obedience to which God calls us. And that is why Jesus' life was so triumphant.
>>And why the Father was so delighted with Him.
>>Consider yet another example: In Luke 4:38-42,we read of a great revival in a
>>town. The next morning the multitude pressed Him to stay on there and to
>>continue the revival meetings. But Jesus said, "No." Why? Because, before He met
>>the people that morning, He had met with His Father in the wilderness and He had
>>heard the voice of His Father telling Him to go elsewhere. So He would not yield
>>to the pressure of the multitudes but went where the Father told Him to go. If
>>He had yielded to the multitudes and conducted revival meetings, he would have
>>sinned! Have you got such an understanding of sin yet? How many of us believe
>>that conducting revival meetings could be sinful! That was the level of
>>sensitivity to sin at which Jesus lived. We normally think of sins as things
>>like getting angry, having dirty thoughts, being jealous or bitter etc. These
>>are also sins – but at the kindergarten level. Jesus was dealing with sin at the
>>Doctorate (Ph.D.) level. Did you know that if God has not called you to go and
>>take meetings at some place and you do that, you are sinning?
>>But we can't reach this Doctorate level overnight! We have to make gradual
>>progress from one class to the next, year by year. As we progress, we will
>>discover that a lot of things we never considered as sin earlier, now become sin
>>for us. When "sin becomes utterly sinful" (Rom 7:13), we can be certain that we
>>are growing spiritually! So when we look at Jesus' life we don't think only of
>>His death at Calvary, but also of His whole life where He presented Himself to
>>the Father fully saying, "A body Thou hast prepared for Me…..and I have come to
>>do Thy will O God (in this body)" (Heb 10: 5,7).Jesus never once did His own
>>will in his body but only the Father's. This is what it means to offer oneself
>>as a burnt offering to God
>>This is what Paul exhorts us also to do in Romans 12:1-2, "Present your bodies a
>>living and holy sacrifice to God….that you may prove what the will of God is"–
>>exactly as Jesus did. This burnt offering was presented to God and burnt
>>completely. The Bible says this was "a soothing aroma to the Lord" (Lev 1:.17)–
>>meaning something that God was very pleased with – "This is My beloved Son, in
>>whom I am well-pleased."Paul said that his life's ambition too was to "please
>>the Lord" (2Cor 5:9).
>>When we present our bodies to the Lord, it is very easy to say, "Lord, I give my
>>body totally to You." But we don't know whether we have offered it all, until we
>>"cut it up". We could be deceiving ourselves. What does it mean to cut it up and
>>offer it piece by piece – as was done with the burnt offering? It means that we
>>offer our bodily parts piece by piece to God.
>>We say, "Lord, here are my eyes. I have used them for the devil and for myself
>>for the past many years, looking at and reading many things that offend You. But
>>I am laying my eyes on the altar now. Never again do I want to use these eyes to
>>look at or read anything that Jesus would not look at or read. I never want to
>>sin with these eyes any more." We go next to the tongue and say, "Lord, here is
>>my tongue. I have used this tongue for the devil and for myself for so many
>>years, speaking whatever I liked, telling lies for my own gain, getting angry at
>>people and gossiping and backbiting against others and accusing them. But I
>>never want to do all that any more. Here is my tongue Lord. It is Yours from
>>this moment onwards – totally and completely." We go next to our hands and our
>>feet and our bodily passions, one by one, and say the same thing: "Lord, here
>>are the members of my body and my bodily passions, with which I have sinned and
>>hurt You. Never again do I want to use these to please myself or to satisfy my
>>lusts. They are all Yours." It is only as we cut each piece and lay them on the
>>altar one by one, that we discover whether we really are offering our body
>>totally to God or not.
>>When the offering is cut into pieces and laid out on the altar fully, then you
>>can say, "Now, Lord, let Your fire fall on the sacrifice and consume it."We read
>>in Leviticus 9:24how the fire of God fell upon the burnt offering and consumed
>>it. That fire is a picture of the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire that comes
>>to consume our sacrifice and to set our bodies on fire for God. But the fire
>>never fell until every last piece of the burnt offering was placed on the
>>Only one life, will soon be past,
>>Only what is done, for Christ will last.
>>The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of
>>the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen. (2 Corinthians 13:14)
>>Love & Prayers,
>>Michael J. Knight.
>>What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.
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