[FamilyofGod] Forgiveness{2}.
Praise the LORD !!! Thank YOU my ALMIGHTY PAPA LOVE !!!! Thank YOU for loving us so much that YOU sent YOUR SON to die for us and raise HIM three days later in a awesome display of mercy,love and power !!! Thank YOU,ALMIGHTY HOLY SPIRIT for raising CHRIST from the dead !!! YOU are beautiful and much needed !!! I praise YOU HOLY SPIRIT !!! Thank YOU our redeemer,our LORD,our GOD,our JESUS for resurrecting our lives with YOUR obedience and sacrifice.For this new life in CHRIST.Thank YOU my BELOVED JESUS !!! I love YOU JESUS !!! I forgive myself of everything I have ever done.I forgive the government.I forgive everyone who has ever harmed or hurt me.I forgive everyone who has lied or stolen from me.I forgive everyone who has used or abused me.I forgive everyone who has spoke death to me.I forgive everyone who has gossiped about me.I forgive everyone on this planet,they do not know what they are doing or who they are.Thank YOU for showing everyone who they are in YOUR eye.The TRUTH of who they were created to be,love,children of love,children of ALMIGHTY PAPA LOVE.Thank YOU for the TRUTH of YOU and YOUR LOVE blowing through their hearts,minds,bodies,souls and SPIRITS.Hearts for CHRIST for everyone.In JESUS name,I bless everyone,I bless their marriages and children,I bless their pets and homes,I bless their food and water,I bless their lives with unlimited favor,I bless their beds,I bless their business's,I bless their vehicles,I bless them for every time they took a breath of air,I bless them for every time they said JESUS is LORD,I bless them for every time they farted,I bless them for every time their heart beats,I bless them for every time the snored,I bless them for every time they smiled,I bless them for every time they cried,I bless them for every time they laughed,I bless them for every time they said I love you to some one,I bless them for every time they stepped in the gap for someone,I bless them for every time they prayed for someone.Thank YOU PAPA LOVE,in JESUS name for honoring these blessings.I bless YOU PAPA.I bless YOU JESUS.I bless YOU HOLY SPIRIT.I love ya'll !!! Praise GOD !!! JESUS is LORD !!! I cry out for justice for the TRUTH of YOU,YOUR LOVE,YOUR WORD,YOUR PROMISES,YOUR NAME,YOUR BLOOD,YOUR POWER.I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who sent it to me,who has ever read it with their hearts desires.Thank YOU.JESUS is LORD !!! Praise the LORD !!! Praise GOD !!!
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