[FamilyofGod] Slave trade.
PAPA !!! ALMIGHTY PAPA !!! Thank YOU PAPA for YOUR love for everyone !!! For taking good care of us !!! For mending our hearts and loving our wounds !!! For seeing the scars on peoples hearts and kissing them,sealing YOUR love in them forever !!! Praise PAPA LOVE !!! PAPA what is going on with the slave trade ??? Who are the people,governments,companies,countries involved in this and what is their agenda ??? Are they tied in with the organ harvesters ??? Are they tied in with the missing children ??? Thank YOU for revealing all routes used,slave house's,ships used,vehicles used,all places of operation.Thank YOU for revealing their agenda behind this slave trading.I speak peace,peace and more peace into the slaves.I speak strength and endurance to all the slaves.Thank YOU PAPA,in JESUS name,for releasing twelve legions of ministering angels to protect these slaves,sing songs of JESUS over them.Thank YOU for putting the fear of a JEALOUS and VENGEFUL GOD into the minds and hearts of all slave traders.I speak hope and life into all the slaves.I speak twelve trillion seeds of JESUS into everyone.Thank YOU for putting this matter on the hearts and minds of everyone,to pray and seek the TRUTH of these matters,the slave trade,missing children and organ harvesting.Thank YOU for putting this in the hearts and minds of everyone,what if it was your child/husband/wife ??? PAPA,these are living children of YOU,our LIVING GOD of LIFE and LOVE,they have souls.Hear their cry's,thank YOU.PAPA,in JESUS name,I walk boldly into YOUR throne room and throw my heart at these people.They need JESUS NOW,not tomorrow,yesterday is dead,today is to late,NOW PAPA !!! I insist !!! PAPA,I fear YOU,this is a heart wrenching matter.What is the TRUTH of it,how are we supposed react,what do YOU want us to do ??? Thank YOU for exposing the root of these matters so we can move against in JESUS name and obliterate it.Thank YOU for protecting all the bold ones who step out with the TRUTH.Thank YOU for washing all the hearts,minds,bodies,souls and SPIRITS of all those involved with the blood of CHRIST.New lives,new creations in JESUS name.I proclaim the victory of the blood of the LAMB over these situations.Thank YOU for answering this prayer quickly.I cry out for justice for the TRUTH of these matters.I cry out for justice for the people and their souls that are involved.I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who sent it to me,who it is sent to,who has ever read it and all slaves with the TRUTH of YOUR TRUTH,LOVE and POWER.Thank YOU PAPA LOVE.I pray in the name of LORD JESUS CHRIST !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Praise the LORD !!!
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