[FamilyofGod] Key of LIFE.
Hi PAPA !!! Rush on them PAPA !!! LOVE on them PAPA !!! Dance with them PAPA !!! Sing to them PAPA !!! Thank YOU PAPA for a wave of revivals in the prisons and jails !!! Thank YOU for pouring the honey of YOUR word all over them so it sticks in them and envelopes their hearts with the letter of YOUR word !!! Thank YOU for filling them up with the BREAD of CHRIST !!! Thank YOU for making them pregnant with YOUR word and giving them the HUNGER of a pregnant women,always hungry for more,always room for more !!! Praise GOD !!! Thank YOU LORD !!! Thank YOU for the name of JESUS singing into their hearts !!! Praise GOD !!!Thank YOU for the name of JESUS being on their lips !!! Praise the LORD !!! Thank YOU for the name of JESUS caressing their tongues !!! Praise the KING !!! Thank YOU for the name of JESUS ringing in their souls !!! Thank YOU LORD !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Thank YOU for a wave of saved ones singing YOUR songs and dancing to YOUR name !!! The PRINCE OF PEACE !!! Thank YOU for YOUR peace consuming them as they sleep !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU for the healing's all in YOUR name !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU for the revival of JESUS spreading in the blue fire of the HOLY SPIRIT surrounding them in love and crushing their past !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU LORD for this revival in the prisons and jails becoming so powerful that their family members get healed and saved over the phones and letters !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU ROCK of LOVE for giving these folks words of life and love to speak to each other,their family members and the guards !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU for giving them favor in revelations,understanding and knowledge when they read YOUR word !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU JESUS for giving them favor with rooms to worship in and pray in !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU MESSIAH for giving the hardest 10,000 hearts fresh new hearts of TRUTH,LOVE and JESUS !!! This starting today and not ending til eternity !!! Praise GOD !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU for turning their dead time into PAPA TIME !!! Thank YOU LORD !!! Praise the LORD !!! Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT for comforting and counseling them !!! Thank YOU SPIRIT of TRUTH !!! I speak hope,peace,joy,JESUS,love and life into everyone.Thank YOU PAPA !!! Thank YOU for increasing every one's love for YOU and their neighbor.Thank YOU ALMIGHTY PAPA !!!! Thank YOU LIGHT of LIFE and LOVE for shinning YOUR LIGHT all over them so they can see everything about YOU and YOUR TRUTHS !! Thank YOU LORD !!! Thank YOU for showing them that they are new creations in CHRIST with NO PAST but with a bright future in the LORD !!! I cry out for justice for revival of the locked up ones in the jails and prisons !!! JESUS has NOT forgotten them !!! Thank YOU LORD !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Praise GOD !!! I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who it sent it to me,who has ever read it and anyone locked up with the KEY of LIFE !!! That's YOU JESUS !!! Praise the LORD !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Praise GOD !!! I love YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU for more love of JESUS for everyone !!! Glory be to JESUS !!! Praise GOD !!! Thank YOU LORD !!!
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