[FamilyofGod] PAPA TIME !!!
Thank YOU LORD !!! Praise the LORD !!! Thank YOU PAPA !!! I pray this prayer in JESUS name,the SON of GOD who was raised from the dead in three days in an awesome display of SALVATION of souls !!! Praise the LORD !!! Thank YOU JESUS !!! Thank YOU JESUS for YOUR love for us !!! Praise PAPA GOD !!! Thank YOU for giving us natural and Spiritual discernment on hearts and TRUE vision.Thank YOU for giving us GODLY wisdom,revelation,understanding and knowledge on praying the LORD 's will.Thank YOU for teaching everyone how important it is to spend time with YOU.It's PAPA TIME !!! To talk to YOU.To ask YOU questions.To involve YOU in decisions.To go on walks with YOU.To sing with YOU.To dance with YOU.To play with YOU.To praise YOU.To worship YOU.To know YOU.To adore YOU.To love YOU.To laugh with YOU.To have FAITH in YOU.To TRUST YOU.To listen to YOU.To know that YOU know best,always.To know that YOU desire us.To know that YOU love us.To know that when we read YOUR word YOU are listening,watching and reading with us.To know that we can talk to YOU about anything and to never be ashamed or embarrassed,YOU already know and love us.To receive YOUR LOVE.To receive YOUR hugs,kisses and deliverance.Thank YOU for giving us a love of PAPA TIME.That this is an important part of our lives.More PAPA,more love for PAPA TIME,thank YOU.Thank YOU PAPA for letting us know that PAPA TIME can be any where at any time.Thank YOU for letting us know that YOU are always there,for us,for intimacy,for love.Thank YOU for increasing our love of PAPA TIME in hundred fold portions everyday from today til eternity.Thank YOU for a fresh new revival of PAPA TIME.I speak JESUS,love,peace,favor and joy into every one's lives.I cry out for justice for the TRUTH of PAPA TIME.I come into agreement with everyone who agrees with this prayer.Thank YOU for blessing everyone who agrees with this prayer,who sends it on,who it is sent to,who sent it to me,who has ever read it with lots and lots of PAPA TIME.Praise the LORD !!! JESUS is LORD !!! Praise PAPA GOD !!!
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