[Church_of_Christ] Re: The essence of worship
Happy Resurrection Day!
He is Risen!
I think it is time for me to ask you a few questions and make a few comments that strike at the heart of this issue. So far, I have been dancing on the edges, trying to figure out where you are coming from. So here goes:
1. Where do you get the idea that worship changes between the testaments? You keep saying that worship law is not given in the NT. Why does it have to be? The OT worship law worked for the Jews. And there is no need to repeat it.
2. I know this is going to open a can of worms, but maybe it's time. Why do you distinguish between edification of self/others and worship of God? In my view, assemble for edification and assemble for worship are the same thing.
3. Is your real issue that there is no specific use of the English word "WORSHIP" in a verse? Is it because there is no explicit "Assemble for Worship" that you make your argument?
4. Your references to private worship are a red herring in this discussion. The fact that you CAN worship by the Spirit in private has nothing to do with God's expectations on the assembly.
5. Romans 14:5 has nothing to do with this discussion at all. You made the point in a post to someone else that this verse indicates that observing days is no longer required. This shows me that the historical/cultural context of this verse might be foreign to you. Here's why:
The Jewish people had specific worship days,feasts, and festivals that they were to observe. As Gentiles came into the church, which was 100% Jewish for 15 years, the Jews were trying to make the Gentiles follow the Law of Moses. Paul's point is that the observance of Jewish customs/traditions/
In fact, the verse explicitly states that each man gets to decide this on his own.....such freedom is NOT granted to the church regarding assembly, not in any way.
> Clay's response: No not I but God, God now requires us to worship
> in spirit, but God never requires us to worship physically as the Jews were required to do.
Ray: You misunderstand me...you have made it a LAW that physical is irrelevant. That is just as much a LAW as the 'man-made' rules you reject. As far as God never requires us to worship like the Jews, I say yet again, why do you assume a change in worship? You seem to think that God has to make laws in the NT for worship if we are going to be under them. Why do you think this?
> Ray continues:
> And this question of yours I wanted to answer:
> >"What difference does it make when they decided to get togather?"
> It seemed to make a big difference to them. I think the question is whether or not it should make a difference to us.
> Clay's response: What do you base that conclusion on Ray?
> You may have been "told" that but the NT never says that or even ifers that.
Ray: I base it on the fact that they met everyday for worship, at least for a season. I base it on the fact that the early church ministry was a part of their commerce, personal lives, entertainment, and relationships with others. There was no part of their life left out. It made a big difference to them how often they met.
Yes, Clay, I WAS "told" that, and my own independent study of the NT shows that when and how often made a HUGE difference TO THEM.
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